TriCo and Bryn Mawr Libraries and Collections Catalogs

Catalogs & Descriptions


All Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore College print and electronic books, videos, journals.

TriCo Research Guides

Curated subject- and topic-based pages that provide access to all TriCo subscribed databases and librarian-recommended digital content.

TriCo Archives and Manuscripts database

Search all available digital finding aids for physical items in Special Collections and Archives.

TriCo Libraries Digital Collections

Digitized materials from TriCo Special Collections and Archives.

Triarte Art and Artifacts Database

TriCo art, archaeology, and anthropology collections.

Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College

Bryn Mawr institutional repository. Faculty and staff scholarship; digitized Bryn Mawr publications; recent Bryn Mawr dissertations.

JSTOR (Bryn Mawr and Haverford)

Image collections for teaching (Bryn Mawr Image Collection and Haverford Image collection, which are available only on the BMC and HC campuses) and open access collections.

TriCo Institutional Scholarship

Mostly Haverford and Swarthmore materials; some Bryn Mawr. Includes some student theses. Many materials restricted and only available on campus.

Haverford Scholarship

Haverford institutional repository. Faculty scholarship.

Swarthmore College Works

Swarthmore institutional repository. Faculty scholarship.

Today's Hours

Carpenter 10am – 10pm
Collier Closed
Canaday 10am – 10pm
Help Desk 1pm – 5pm
Special Collections Closed
1912 Gallery Closed
Alums & Visitors 10am – 6pm
Makerspace in Park (PK 157)
Makerspace 2 in Carpenter (A3)

View all hours

Canaday Library in the snow.

Contact Us

Library and Information Technology Services

Canaday Library
101 N Merion Ave
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010

Office of the CIO: